Case Study

EBBW Vale Station

Train in the station at Vale Station

The Project

EI undertook Design Management services on the successful Ebbw Vale Town Project. The Welsh Assembly Government (WAG) funded this project to provide an extension to the existing Ebbw Vale Line to a new Station (Ebbw Vale Town), approximately 1¼ Miles North of the Existing Ebbw Vale Parkway Station. The new infrastructure comprised an extension of the existing track into a new bay platform providing an operational length of 150 metres. The new station entrance building includes CCTV, Lighting, New Power supply and ticket machines. There is also a CIS System, platform shelter and Help Point.

The Solution

Needs something here

"Something here or delete" 

- Julian Mason EI Director

The Results

EI provided multidiscipline design management for Buckingham Group, the Principal Contractor. In addition, EI provided a CEM to enter the line and new station into service. The project was completed on program and under budget in 2015. The new station was opened by the Welsh First Minister, Carwyn Jones, in May of that year.


- Julian Mason EI Director

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